Communication Platform

ABA clinics across the board can use better communication systems. Enhanced communication can save time and money and improve client outcomes. Poor communication means an inefficient use of time and frustrated staff and clients. Improving those systems, then, must be a top priority for ABA clinics. That’s where ABA Engine comes in.

Streamlined Care

Real, concrete, tangible benefits are evident when you put a strong communication platform into place, like ABA Engine’s. With automated intake forms, automated appointment reminders, and online scheduling, ABA Engine helps ensure the flow of information is seamless and your client care is top-quality.

Time Saved

Thanks to automated intake forms, ABA clinics can cut down on wait times for clients, frustrations for staff, and extra labor used for repetitive and manual tasks. This time saved means more time for genuine client care.

No-Shows Minimized

With secure messaging and automated reminders, clients can remember their appointments and send a quick message to reschedule or cancel if necessary. This frees up time for clients trying to get in to see a therapist.

Satisfaction Improved

With less backlog, fewer repetitive tasks, and more time, ABA clinics will see an improvement in both client and staff satisfaction. ABA therapy is intense enough on its own; there’s no reason to add to it.

Spending Reduced

The time savings, improved satisfaction, and minimized no-shows all lead to reduced spending and cost savings in your clinic, which can only further enhance client care!

Solving Problems

So, what makes ABA Engine so great? The features of our ABA clinic communication software truly speak for themselves.

Gone are the days of having to wait on hold for hours or leave a message and wait for days, or weeks, to hear back. With secure messaging, clients can send a quick message and expect a prompt response. Open, honest, communication at its best.

It can be so frustrating to have scheduling mix-ups and miscommunication within an already bustling ABA clinic. Real-time updates mean as soon as information is taken in and uploaded, everyone else involved will have access to that information, streamlining care in the best way possible.

Your therapists are busy with full caseloads, and your clients are busy with active lives, so you want to minimize no-shows and keep a clean schedule. Automated reminders ensure everyone is on the same page right up to the appointment time.

Clients who speak English as a second language can even get language translation through the secure messaging system, so they don’t have to struggle to be understood, and they can receive better care.

Ready to optimize your intake and scheduling processes?

Discover how ABA Engine can help you deliver better care faster and boost your practice’s profitability. Set up a call now and take the first step towards improving your operations.